Every successful business looks internally for ways to improve, expedite and enhance performance. Let’s talk about checking ourselves, our understanding of our skills and knowing where the bar is. At various points throughout our lives, we look at our work whatever it may be and agree with the universe that it’s good. A quick visit with Master Painter Jeremy Lipking will swiftly point out that the things you work on over your entire life, such as accuracy for example, seem to manifest at a fifty percent mark. As you develop your craft, greater understanding expands proportionately, keeping the ninety to hundred percent mark elusive. Knowing the André perspective on pursuing mastery, you’ll agree that this depth of insight is a gift.
Knowing where the bar is is key to the pursuit of mastery.
A painter’s journey to achieve virtuosity is never-ending. Once captured at the first level, the painter realizes that there are infinite levels of it. At this point, the humbling journey itself reveals it’s commitment to the painter and the pursuit of mastery begins.